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Lake People G105
От Somethin, 11.04.2017
  • 2 097 просмотров
  • 0 комментариев
  • Название Headphones amplifier with highest transmission quality and compact dimensions to drive 2 headphones.
    The PHONE-AMP G105 is optimized to highest output voltages, lowest noise and lowest distortion.
    The G105 is the answer to the common problems with headphone amplifiers:

    1. The wide spread of headphone impedances, ranging from 8 … 2000 ohms
    2. The different efficencies of headphones

    Because of its high internal voltages, the low output impedance together with its selectable gain, this type of headphone amplifier is best suited to drive headphones with low- to high-Z loads (16 ... 600 ohms).
    The inputs are situated on the rear panel, they are equipped with electronically balanced XLR connectors.
    Two rotary pots on the frontpanel are provided for level and balancing control.
    G105 is equipped with two headphones outputs with 1/4" jacks which may be optimized for mono signals with a split-switch.
    The unit offers a built-in AC mains power supply with IEC/CEE socket.
    The complete case, front and back panels are made of black anodizes aluminium.
    Balanced inputs: 2 x XLR (L / R)
    Impedance: 10 kohms
    Amplifier Channels: 2 (Stereo)
    Nom. input level: + 6 dBu
    Gain: - 4 / + 8 / + 14 dB, selectable
    Frequency range: 2 Hz ... 150 kHz (-3 dB)
    Dynamic range: > 122 dB (A-wtd)
    Noise: < -95 dBu (A-wtd)
    THD+N: < 0,001 %
    Crosstalk: < -70 dB (@ 15 kHz)
    Max. output level: > 17.7 Veff in 600 ohms = 520 mW
    > 14.5 Veff in 200 ohms = 1050 mW
    > 10.5 Veff in 100 ohms = 1100 mW
    > 7.8 Veff in 50 ohms = 1200 mW
    > 2.8 Veff in 16 ohms = 500 mW
    Outputs: 2 x 1/4" phone jacks
    Power supply: 115 / 230 V AC / 6 VA
    Dimensions: 168 x 49 x 145 mm (W x H x D)
    Case Material: Black anodized aluminium
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